Sunday, August 2, 2009

A Tale of Two Kitties

As if our lives right now weren't interesting enough, we decided to add a little more spice by adopting two cats!  Yes, we're suckers for animals and after the heart break of giving away Fred and Murphy, we've put two more back into our lives.  There is apparently a big animal abandonment problem on the island and so some loving people have set up an animal adoption agency that very cleverly set up a tent outside the BX (military Walmart) right when everyone is just moving in.  Adorable cats, kittens, dogs and puppies looking at you with longing eyes...

At first we were just going to get one cat and the kids hooked themselves onto a 10-week old kitten with lots of personality and almost enough energy to keep up with them.  Then they told us his name is Obi, which I heard as "OB", as in obstetrician, and I thought - perfect!  The kids of course thought Obi Wan Kenobi.  Either way, it was a perfect name for him.

Stevie felt sorry for a 5 year old momma Siamese cat and decided to adopt her too.  They had already adopted out her kittens.  She, unfortunately, is not making the transition so well and keeps growling at Obi and sometimes at us too.  This might become a Tale of One Kitty...  If she stays we're waffling on her name.  She came with the name Celine, but we want something else.  I think she should be called "Gynny" afterall if we have an OB, then we should have a GYN.  Steve thinks her name should be Ling-Su because his Grandma had a cat named that.  Cannon thinks it should be called Ferncloud after one of the cats in his Warriors books.

As for an update on the bats, we discovered that Count Dracula has four brothers.  Really, they are fruit bats, otherwise known as flying foxes.  Of course, Cannon told me this information, but I didn't believe him and had to Google it.  He was right.

The adventure continues...

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