Thursday, June 24, 2010

Japanese Bubbles

I once saw a photo that a neighbor of ours took of her kids with these incredibly big, incredibly strong bubbles and I heard that they were "Japanese bubbles".  Since then, Kelly and I have been looking for these magical bubbles so that we, uh, I mean the kids, could play with them.

While I was at the 100 Yen store today with the kids I finally found the magical bubbles!  Except they're not really bubbles, but what the package calls "big plastic balloon".  Basically the kit comes with a tube of goop and two thin red straws.  The idea is that you put a ball of "balloon gel" on the end of the straw and then blow up the balloon/bubble. 

Totally amazing!  And it works.  The balloons come out looking like Saran Wrap bubbles that you can bounce around, even make balloon sculptures out of because if two touch, they stick together.  All this entertainment for 100 Yen!


  1. Ooh! I hope you're bringing some back State-side!

  2. These are so cool! I think these are the best because you can actually hold them instead of popping them :)
