Monday, April 25, 2011

A Different Kind of Egg Hunt

Despite a rainy morning, Emmy being sick and Steve being on call, I still managed to take the boys to the Easter egg hunt they've been looking forward to for a while now.  And I can't say I blame them because this was no ordinary egg hunt on a grassy field, but in a pool!  How cool is that?

A few weeks ago I saw a poster for an egg hunt being sponsored at the 25 meter pool on base (the heated one!) and I thought, what fun!  I was also quite curious how an aquatic egg hunt happens?  How does the candy not get wet?  How do the eggs not float out of your basket?  Do the eggs float or sink?  Now I know the answers: the eggs are empty (the winner is the one with the most), they give you a net sack to put the eggs in, most eggs floated but if you put a marble in a plastic egg it sinks to the bottom!

The boys and the Lifeguard Bunny

London and Cannon both tried their hardest to collect eggs, although it wasn't as easy as it might seem and London was at some what of a disadvantage because he swims independently.  The "non-swimmers" had a parent in the pool to help hold the bag and steer toward the eggs.  Poor London was trying his hardest to swim, hold a bag, collect eggs and stuff them in.

Lined up and ready to go - London is in the red goggles 2 down from the bald guy.

In the water trying not to drown while getting plastic eggs.

Next up - Cannon!

Doesn't he look cold?

When else will I ever be able to take this picture?

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