Sunday, December 19, 2010

Kids say the darndest things…

I was volunteering in London’s class two weeks ago when I noticed their bulletin board outside the class. It read “Bright Wishes for the Holiday Season” and each child had written their wish on an index card which was stapled on the board.

As I stood reading the wishes I was reminded how innocent childhood could be with wishes like, “I wish for some rollerskates.” Or “I wish diamonds would fall from the sky.” But then there were some more disturbing ones like, “I wish no one would hit any more.” And “I wish for a new bed.” Then there was the most disturbing: “I wish for a safe house.” I wondered, hadn’t Mrs. Murray flagged this student and sent them to the counselor??? Who doesn't have a safe home in London's class??? 

So I made a comment to her about how some of the wishes were a bit strange. Really, she said, like which ones? Well, the one about the safe house, says me. “Oh,” she says, “That was London’s!” What???? She said he mentioned something about a bomb shelter? Ohhhhh, Stevie calls our house a bomb shelter all the time! I guess we need to watch what we say!

1 comment:

  1. Whew! You had my heart in a turmoil :)
    We know he lives in a loving home and a place sturdy enough to withstand anything!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family.
