Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day at the Dentist

Remember when you were little and you had a loose tooth and your dad tied a piece of string to it and the doorknob and then slammed the door?  Ta-da!  One tooth.  Well, either our kid's a whimp or times have changed.  Anyways, London will run screaming bloody murder down the hall if Stevie even tries to wiggle a tooth so consequently we had to take him to the dentist today to get two teeth removed.  It was kind of necessary as he had four front teeth - his permanent teeth had come in in front of his baby teeth so consequently he looked like a sand tiger shark with a reserve set.  I just have this feeling that we will be good friends with the orthodontist in years to come!

For all London's fear of Stevie pulling his teeth, I have to say he was very brave at the dentist today - of course it helped that the dentist was his friend's dad and he numbed him up thoroughly before pulling the teeth!


The waiting is the hardest part...

Tooth fairy's coming tonight!  (That's gauze, not a cigarette!)

Happily ever after...

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