Thursday, August 13, 2009

Farmer's market

Yesterday my neighbor, Kelly, who has been so helpful with getting us set up, took me to a great new experience - a Japanese farmer's market.  Thankfully it was indoors!  It was really more like a grocery store than an outdoor hawking of the veggies which was a great way to peruse the various fruits and veggies without feeling obliged to buy.  We had no idea what most of the items were, but after a little poking, prodding, sniffing and, ultimately, guessing, we put names to most of it.   Other items I was adventurous enough to buy, bring home and Google before trying. 

Bought some lovely dragon fruit - very beautiful hot pink on the outside, with a tender white flesh flecked with little black seeds on the inside.  It tastes like a combination of a pear and a kiwi.

And bought some little bell shaped fruits with a waxy skin that turned out to be water apples.  Not really apples and not really watery, more like a super crispy under-ripe pear.

They had bananas cut right off the tree (not flown in from South America), the cutest little pineapples that were the size of the palm of your hand, and samples of tasty treats.  I tried something that I think the lady indicated was made of grated dried fish.  It tasted good!

Loved the mounds of bamboo shoots, and the bulk rice area with fresh rice, and of course the flowers!  Bought a bunch of orchids for $4!  They are amazing.  And all the types of fresh mushrooms - hope none of them are poisonous!  And then there was a whole section of baked goods - breads and donuts.  And then a section of other goodies.  Again, I thought Steve and I were adventurous enough to tackle trying some things so we had them with dinner last night.  We're still not sure what they were, but they were good!  I can't wait to find the fish market I've heard about...

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