Friday, August 14, 2009

Nepalese food and wild pets

Stevie's birthday was yesterday - his choice to lay low and relax with the family.  We did go out for dinner to a Nepalese food restaurant (that would be from the country of Nepal, not Naples, Italy).  Who knew that you could find a Nepalese restaurant on Okinawa???  The food is very similar to Indian, maybe not as spicy.  Who knew, too, that our kids would CONSUME the food!  We ordered them a tandoori dish and some kind of Nepalese dumpling thinking this would be daring enough for them.  They chowed down on that and then when Stevie and my combo dish came they chowed down on that.  They loved the dahl and curry and spinach paneer - and the naan!!  Had to order a second portion of that.  And Emmy downed my mango lassi (yogurt drink) when I wasn't looking.

Today's adventure was inadvertent.  Obi-san kitty appeared to have fleas so I had to find some flea shampoo.  The commissary didn't have anything so after picking up the kids from vacation bible school I swung by a pet store I saw.  That was an adventure!  First, after playing a good game of charades with a store clerk trying to identify a shampoo that was safe for kittens and good for fleas we got our product.  Cannon thought he found a Frontline kind of product, but I wasn't sure if it was for kittens.  After further investigation of the box, we determined that the product killed fleas and then sent them to heaven.  See what you think from the picture...  

Then we had to check out the rest of the store.  The boys called me over to see the displays of Hercules beetles and rhinoceros beetles - enormous bugs that the Japanese apparently keep as pets.  Ewww.  Then we found a cage with a hedgehog.  Weird.  And the fish tanks had sting rays and baby sea turtles (illegal???) and box fish (like a puffer fish, but Cannon corrected me that it was a box fish...)  Other interesting products included panties for dogs, "American flop rabbit" - these weren't like any rabbits I've ever seen in the US - and aisles of dog treats.  We'll have to go back again when we have more time.

As we headed back into the base, London asked why I had to show my ID every time we entered.  I explained that it was kind of like a gated community, except our guards are US Marines who carry semi-automatic weapons!  Brinks can't touch that kind of protection!

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