Saturday, September 25, 2010

Andrew Zimmern – eat your heart out!

After such a full day out and about you’d think we’d take a break and stay in for the night. But with Grammie’s birthday to celebrate and a city calling our names, we were off again. To a Mongolian restaurant and show!

I have to say, I’ve never had Mongolian food before and now I know why, looking at the menu, this type of restaurant would never fly in the US! Things like stir fried pork tendons, chopped beef penis in soy sauce, boiled camel and sheep stomach!!! All of a sudden, I turned vegetarian and opted for the, ahem, “safer” entrees like wild vegetable balls and potato noodles with edamame. I have to say, all was delicious!

Then there was the show which featured Mongolian dance, music and singing. This one guy’s voice was so strange, it sounded like a freaky instrument, but the sound came from inside him. And the show included a round of “Happy Birthday” for Grammie at which time they presented her with a scarf and a shot of some potent brew that she had to down before the end of the song!

Happy Birthday sung by Mongolian artists in China!

We found a birthday cake in Grammie's room when we returned.  Still haven't figured out who sent it!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the pictures and posts on China! What a wonderful memory this will be for the kids and the adults. :)
